Thursday, January 14, 2010


You may recall that Fats Limbaugh and other gasbags defended the obscene bonuses to AIG executives, a position that is not held by the Baggers. Now, the gasbags latest hero, Scott Brown in Massachusetts, doesn't want to get our money back from the MOTU banks. (h/t Kombiz)
GOP Senate Candidate in Mass. Rejects Obama’s Bank Tax
By Jonathan Weisman
Wall Street Journal
January 14, 2010, 6:32 PM ET

Democrats believe President Barack Obama’s proposed, $90 billion tax on big banks will box in Republicans, giving them the choice between siding with the bankers or breaking with the GOP’s antitax base.

If so, Republican Massachusetts Senate candidate Scott Brown has taken the bait. His Democratic opponent, Martha Coakley, embraced the bank tax and spent the day goading Brown to take a stand.

Responding to The Wall Street Journal, the Brown campaign said this evening, “Scott Brown is opposed to higher taxes, especially in the midst of a severe recession. Raising taxes will kill jobs. Martha Coakley’s tax-raising policies will make it harder to get our economy back on the right track.”

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