Sunday, January 17, 2010


(h/t HuffPo)

Last Tuesday, McCain said he didn't know anything about the vetting of Sarah Palin and he made it clear he didn't want to talk about it. The following Thursday, he had a completely different story for the locals:
McCain stands up for Palin
Senator defends vetting, says ex-running mate may campaign for him
Jan. 17, 2010 12:00 AM
Arizona Republic

Speaking Thursday at a Phoenix news conference, McCain, R-Ariz., pushed back hard at a new book that claims his campaign's vetting of the little-known vice-presidential prospect was "so hasty and haphazard it barely merited the name." The book, "Game Change," was written by journalists John Heilemann of New York magazine and Mark Halperin of Time.

"It was thorough, and it was complete, and I am so proud that Sarah Palin agreed to be my running mate," he said in response to a question about the vetting.

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