Saturday, February 27, 2010


By preventing a vote on extending UI benefits, Bunning puts tens of thousands in Arizona at risk for becoming homeless.
Senate rift imperils jobless-aid extension
Benefits to expire Sunday
by Erin Zlomek - Feb. 27, 2010 12:00 AM
The Arizona Republic

The U.S. Senate's failure to continue funding for extended unemployment benefits is likely to delay payments to thousands of Arizonans if a bill is not approved next week.

Extended unemployment benefits for more than 82,000 Arizonans and an estimated 1 million Americans are set to expire Sunday.

If no bill passes, Arizonans who have been collecting unemployment benefits for longer than 26 weeks will be cut off.

A federally funded $25 increase, which boosted Arizona's maximum benefit payout to $265 from $240, would also disappear for most recipients.

Also in jeopardy and included in the bill is a COBRA health-insurance subsidy that pays 65 percent of costs for eligible employees who were laid off between Sept. 1, 2008, and Dec. 31, 2009.

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