Wednesday, March 24, 2010


A couple of days ago I was listening to John Gibson's radio show and a male caller who had served in the Marines referred to himself and his wife as "FOX people" and I guess this may be the first sign that FAUX News has a cult following.

Today Beck made an unintentional funny when he said "things are usually clear to me." He mentioned again that he's still going to attack Jim Wallis but he didn't say when. Beck also pulled his by now familiar claim that an unnamed knowledgeable person tipped him off to be wary of discussing immigration reform.

Beck also added two more to his enemies list, James Cameron and Cokie Roberts. Roberts has a syndicated column and went off on the Beckster:
We are not denying Beck or anyone else their First Amendment rights. He can say anything he wants. But advertisers don't have to support his brand of hate mongering, and audiences don't have to take Fox News seriously if one of its top names has become a "circus clown."

Actually, Beck is worse than a clown. He's more like a terrorist who believes he has discovered the One True Faith, and condemns everyone else as a heretic. And that makes him something else as well -- a traitor to the American values he professes so loudly to defend.

I think Cokie spoke the truth and so, surprisingly, did Michael Savage today. He claimed that Dick Armey is trying to splinter the Tea Party movement so the GOP can use it.

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