Wednesday, March 24, 2010


(h/t Evan McMorris-Santoro at TPM)

The first and biggest is that Sen. Grassley (R-IA) is a disgusting hypocrite for taking ANY credit for the health care reform bill. The second is that "Death Panels" Grassley admits that the bill did include at least one Republican suggestion:
The provisions enacted in the new health care law are the result of Grassley's leadership on tax-exempt organizations' accountability and transparency, including hospitals. In 2005, he sent letters of inquiry to some of the nation's largest tax-exempt hospitals. In 2006, he convened a hearing and released a summary of the hospitals' responses. In 2007, he released a staff discussion draft of potential legislative reforms and convened a roundtable of experts to discuss the potential reforms. In 2008, he followed up with letters of inquiry to more hospitals and received a report he'd requested from the Government Accountability Office. In 2009, he drafted legislative reforms and succeeded in persuading the Democratic majority to include several of the reforms in the new health care law.

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