Saturday, March 13, 2010


Glenn Beck is rummaging through the great thinkers of Western Civilization while he's high on bad LSD. Yesterday he mixed Marx and Nietzsche in with the Progressive Movement:
GLENN: For the love of Pete. Marx started in 19 1848. All of this stuff started percolating, all of Nietzsche comes along, everything, it's redistribution of wealth. I've told you this, the progressive movement started with people like Woodrow Wilson whose father was a preacher! They perverted Christianity!

This is terribly confused and here I'll only make a couple clarifying points.

In regards to history, Marx believed in an inevitable cycle of social eras, culminating in pure communism. Nietzsche preached about the dire need for a completely new system of morality divorced from religion and rooted in life as we know it. There is no inevitable historical culmination in Nietzsche's thought and no absolute values. The fact that both of them were athiests is a trivial link in this context.

In America, the Progressive Movement began with the Grangers of the 1870s and the Populists, both lead by men who were very much unlike Woodrow Wilson.

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