Friday, March 12, 2010


There was a chance that Biden went off-script when he criticized the Israelis but now we know he wasn't.
Clinton slams Israel on housing announcement
Mar 12 04:35 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday delivered a stinging rebuke to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his government's announcement this week of new Jewish housing in east Jerusalem, calling it "a deeply negative signal" for the Mideast peace process and ties with the U.S.

The State Department said Clinton spoke to Netanyahu by phone for 43 minutes to vent U.S. frustration with Tuesday's announcement that cast a pall over a visit to Israel by Vice President Joe Biden and endangered indirect peace talks with the Palestinians that the Obama administration had announced just a day earlier.

I suspect this will cause the neo-cons and their allies to start screaming about "anti-Semitism."

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Maybe this will prompt the mysteriously vanishing Clintonite and Lobby critic (Joe)Cannonfire to start up his blog again.