Tuesday, April 27, 2010


And from this Arizona Daily Star article, it seems to be 90 days after the end of the current legislative session. The article also has confirmation about a poll number I heard recently.
Phoenix man begins steps to put migrant law to vote
Howard Fischer Capitol Media Services | Posted: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 12:00 am

PHOENIX - A former Phoenix City Council candidate took the first steps Monday to have the fate of the new law aimed at illegal immigrants decided by Arizona voters.

Jon Garrido picked up the necessary paperwork at the Secretary of State's Office to refer the measure, just signed by Gov. Jan Brewer, to the ballot.

Garrido needs 76,684 valid signatures by late July - the exact date is currently in flux - to put the question to voters.

If he gets enough valid the signatures, the law is placed on "hold" until voters have their say at the next general election.

A recent Rasmussen survey of likely Arizona voters found 70 percent support the new law.

The signatures must be turned in before the law takes effect, which is 90 days after the end of the legislative session. It is not known when that will be.

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