Sunday, April 18, 2010


With FAUX News, talk radio and agit-prop magazines like Human Events, is there really a market for more of this BS?
The Launch of the Tea Party TV Channel

Comcast and Kelsey Grammer are among the big names backing RightNetwork, a new network that "focuses on entertainment with Pro-America, Pro-Business, Pro-Military sensibilities." They've even been embedded with the Tea Party in preparation for a launch this summer.

The trailers and launch materials, all sans-serif fonts and white space, manage to pack in many glib puns like "all that's Right with the world," and "there's wrong, and there's right." Grammer adds, in this PDF, that the network — which will launch with on-demand channels from Comcast, a website and mobile apps — will provide "a perspective we don't generally get from the media."

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