Sunday, April 18, 2010


By opposing financial regulation reform for no good reason, the GOP seems to be trying to swim against the tide of economic populism. My sense is that a majority of Americans think very poorly of the banksters and those, like buffoon Jim Cramer, who support them. I think this exhange Sylvain Raynes and the buffoon may go viral.
CNBC Guest Calls Jim Cramer “Public Relations Officer” For Goldman Sachs

After Cramer seemed to defend Goldman Sachs, or at least appear skeptical of their wrongdoing, Raynes got his chance to weigh in. “I’m pleased to be on this show, since most of your previous guests were public relations officers for Goldman,” he said. “Is it ok if I’m a little critical?”

The shot at Cramer garnered an immediate response from the Mad Money host. “I don’t like to hear that,” he said. “I’ve blasted Goldman many times I don’t need to hear that nonsense.”

After some more back-and-forth, Raynes continued in his mild-mannered takedown. “I want to remain shallow in deference to Mr. Cramer,” he said at the end of his answer...

We need more folks like Raynes and Max Keiser.

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