Saturday, May 08, 2010


Hannity and all the other war whores routinely exempt the military from any criticism for being inefficient and bloated, something they don't do for the rest of the Federal government. Unfortunately, there is nothing special about the military.
Gates urges cuts in 'top-heavy' defense bureaucracy, budget
May 8 04:05 PM US/Eastern

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Saturday blasted the Pentagon's "top-heavy" bureaucracy, calling for deep cuts in massive overhead costs at a time when the country faced fiscal trouble.

Mushrooming administrative costs and a defense bureaucracy overloaded with senior officers and civilian managers threatened to drain away vital funds needed to sustain the military, he said.

Overhead costs meanwhile accounted for about 40 percent of the Defense Department's budget.

Even as the US military scaled back its forces in the 1990s, the Pentagon continued to add layers of management, he said.

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