Sunday, July 11, 2010


I'm listening to Billy Cunningham's Sunday show and his current guest is Dr. Hugh Cort. Cort is a wacko who thinks Osama Bin Laden has gotten suitcase-sized nuclear weapons made by the former Soviet Union on the black market and he's going to set them off soon! As an added bonus, Dr. Cort condemned abortion and homosexual marriage.

This is from his organization's web site:

Two thirds of Americans believe that Osama bin Laden will strike America again and this time it will be nuclear. Dr. Hugh Cort agrees and writes about the warning signs in his book, "The American Hiroshima: Osama's Plan for a Nuclear Attack, and One Man's Attempt to Warn America" (published by iUniverse). Dr. Cort also contends that the attack could occur in the very near future with Osama bin Laden planning to blow up several American cities.

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