Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Conor takes exception to Hewitt's plea that Republican politicians defend talk radio and notes that the rise of talk radio has NOT seen an implementation of several very important conservative policies.  On the other hand, it's a bit difficult to defend the gasbags since so many hateful people find them appealing.
Leland Yee receives racist death threat from Rush Limbaugh fan
By: Mike Aldax 01/26/11 12:39 PM
San Francisco Examiner

An apparent Rush Limbaugh fan faxed death threats to state Sen. Leland Yee on Wednesday morning, according to the senator’s spokesman.

The threats to the San Francisco Democrat came more than a week after Yee asked Limbaugh for an apology for “mocking the Chinese language” and the country’s president on his popular conservative talk radio program, spokesman Adam Keigwin said.

The senator often receives “heated and excited phone calls” from citizens who are against his liberal policies, but Wednesday’s faxes were “direct and threatening,” Keigwin said.

The expletive-laden faxes sent to Yee’s offices in San Francisco and Sacramento on Wednesday at 10 a.m. called for “death to all Marxists,” and used racist terms to describe President Barack Obama and Yee.

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