Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Today Mark Levin took a call from a man who said he was just about to go bankrupt. He said he owns two "full service car washes" and employs 40 people. He saved up money to buy them in 2004 and he told Levin right now  there just isn't any business. He also said his marriage is in trouble, apparently because of the financial strain.

AFTER admitting that the cause of the problem was not enough business, the caller veered into standard wingnut agitprop and complained about government rules and regulations.

I got the impression that the caller is close to blaming these rules and regulations for the lack of business and this belief could lead him to somehow attack the government.

I've heard other callers who have financial problems call Beck and I'm wondering if the radio gasbags are becoming on-air therapists from some listeners.

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