Thursday, February 17, 2011


This quote could become one of my favorites because it came from an all-wingnut conversation.  (h/t Alex Seitz-Wald at Think Progress)
INGRAHAM: Do you agree with what Congressman Steve King said yesterday or the day before about the move to defund Obamcare in this continuing resolution?. … Why didn’t that happen?

BACHMANN: Well, this is what people need to know. … There literally — unless the president and [Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid agree with us, there isn’t a way for us to have defunded Obamacare.

INGRAHAM: So Steve King, congressman from Iowa, just doesn’t understand the process? There’s no way to change the House rules to consider a special amendment to defund Obamacare. No way to do it at all?

BACHMANN: Well, he and I talked about it over the weekend. And I talked to a special appropriations guy because I was sick about it — Steve King and I are best friends. And we both want to get Obamacare defunded. That’s the must have. The problem is the only way we could do it is if Obama and Harry Reid agreed with what we wanted to do.
King may be counting on the probable fact that the rubes in his district don't know that King can't defund HCR.

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