Thursday, February 17, 2011


(pic from Crooks & Liars)

Yesterday, Fats Limbaugh said that the media was reporting hundreds gathered at Wisconsin's state capitol to protest Gov. Walker's (R-BAGGERS) attempt to severely diminish public worker unions the right to collective bargaining. He then said that now the media is reporting thousands, thus implying that the media was lying.

This is from his own transcript:
RUSH: Well, MSNBC's on the case. Their cameras are in Wisconsin at Madison chronicling the protests of the governor there, Scott Walker. If you look, the original news reports said "hundreds" had gathered to protest. Now the hundreds have become "thousands" in print reports. They just showed a picture of the mob gathered outside the state capitol to protest. I know it's lunchtime there, it's 20 minutes after 12, but it's also not "thousands." Don't doubt me.

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