Thursday, February 17, 2011


Colin Powell made an interesting admission to the Guardian which was picked up by CBS News:
"It has been known for several years that the source called Curveball was totally unreliable," Powell told the Guardian . "The question should be put to the CIA and the DIA as to why this wasn't known before the false information was put into the NIE sent to Congress, the president's state of the union address and my 5 February presentation to the UN."

Why hasn't Powell been publicly calling for an investigation "for several years"?


Ken Hoop said...

"Tell lies to support the White House decision for war on Iraq? No problem. As was his wont, Powell saluted sharply, even though four days prior to his Feb. 5, 2003 U.N. speech he and his chief of staff, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, had decided that some of the “intelligence” the White House had conjured up to “justify” war was pure “bull---t,” according to Wilkerson. Powell ended up using it anyway."

Ken Hoop said...

A bad coincidence.