Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Brigitte Gabriel has one of the most annoyingly high-pitched voices I've heard since Rosie Perez.   She related this story about herself to POLITICO:
“I lived in Marjayoun in Southern Lebanon a town close to the Israeli border. The hardest times were between 1975 and 1982. That is when we were surrounded by radical Islamists when we lived constantly in bomb shelters and were attacked repeatedly,” Gabriel told POLITICO. “Many days I was driven to school in a tank and many times I ran back from school under the bombs, hiding in ditches using my books to protect me from shrapnel,” she said.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Clear Channel radio blatherers, all of whom hew to Israeli-loyal
lines and slot only those miniscule
Arab lackeys who enjoy being oppressed, love Gabriel.

The problem for Gabriel is since 2006, any astute objective observor can easily neutralize her spiel. Israel's barbaric invasion
into Lebanon drove about half of Lebanese Christians into the pro-Hezbollah camp.

Since then, when she attempts to portray Lebanese Chrstians as the Israeli-friendly Islamophobic bigots that she prefers they be, she is lying. When I pointed out in mail her essential dishonesty on radio appearances since 2006 she only whined that the Christians who are allied with Hezbollah now will "be sorry."