Tuesday, March 08, 2011


I've wanted to find some older Glenn Beck failed prophecies and Media Matters has a good collection to select from.  Here are the ones I want to highlight:
January 30, 2007: Beck "Fear[s] An Archduke Ferdinand Moment, That We're Close To One With Iran." From Beck's CNN Headline News show:

April 10, 2009: Beck Sees "A Lot Of Similarities" Between The Weimar Republic And Current Monetary Policy. From Beck's Fox News show:

October 7, 2009: Beck: "I Fear A Reichstag Moment, A -- God Forbid -- Another 9-11, Something That Will Turn This Machine On." From an interview with Newsmax.TV:

July 15, 2008: Beck Claims "We're In The Perfect Storm." From Beck's Fox News show:

August 9, 2009: Beck Says "Iran's Islamic End-Of-Times-Prophesies Could Be Fulfilled On August 22nd." From Beck's CNN Headline News show:

1 comment:

nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney said...

Glenn Beck is being forcibly removed from FOX.
Questions about the AIPAC Neocon 9/11 Scam.
3 towers, bldg 7, pentagon, shanksville, anthrax.
Controlled Media must protect Federal Reserve.
5 dancing Mossad arrested in NYC on 9/11 cry.