Tuesday, April 05, 2011


(h/t Atrios)

We know that no matter how small, a Bagger rally can get local and national media coverage but the same isn't at all true for those of us who are opposed the the Bagger agenda.  I used LexisNexis to search for transcripts of TV and radio shows mentioning the We Are One rallies held nationwide and all I found was this:
Fox News Network
April 4, 2011 Monday
BECK for April 4, 2011
BYLINE: Glenn Beck
LENGTH: 5466 word
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "We Are One" rallies that are happening across the country today. Workers, students, families and, oh, yes, socialists, radicals, communists getting together to fight for the American dream.


BECK: The "We Are One" rallies, they're happening all over the country today. We are one, one nation, and we are one. And they are standing in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin. Now, today's date is significant because it was back on this date in 1968 that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis. He was there supporting sanitation workers for their fight to form a union with AFSCME.
There were more results when I checked U.S. newspapers and wires but not as many as I would expect.
1. Unions mark MLK's death with national protests
The Associated Press State & Local Wire, April 5, 2011 Tuesday 3:18 AM GMT, BUSINESS NEWS, 647 words, By ERRIN HAINES, Associated Press
2. 200 people rally in Ky. in support of labor
The Associated Press State & Local Wire, April 5, 2011 Tuesday 1:10 AM GMT, STATE AND REGIONAL, 398 words, By PINKY MEHTA, Associated Press
3. Unions Rally, Remembering Rights Leader
The New York Times, April 5, 2011 Tuesday, Section A; Column 0; National Desk; Pg. 13, 401 words, By STEVEN GREENHOUSE
4. Union makes point in silence
The News & Observer (Raleigh, North Carolina), April 5, 2011 Tuesday, B, 522 words, ERIC FERRERI; Staff Writer
5. Union members, students rally at Temple to protest Corbett's planned budget cuts
The Philadelphia Inquirer, April 5, 2011 Tuesday, PHILADELPHIA; P-com News Local; Pg. B02, 467 words, By Robert Moran; Inquirer Staff Writer

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