Tuesday, April 05, 2011


That's when it became clear that Rush Limbaugh was a major force in conservative politics but as far as I know, no conservatives called Fats on his ignorance, lies and fraud.   In fact, it's been just the opposite for Pigboy.  In 1994, he was made an honorary Republican Congressman and in 2007 he was given the Media Research Center's first William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence.

Conors Friedersdorf  in the Atlantic does a great take down of Limbaugh's babble about the Libya intervention.  Here are some snippets I especially liked:
His commentary has misled his audience, his prejudices have helped to distract the conservative movement from the stance it ought to be taking, and even his defenders will have a difficult time explaining away his latest buffoonery.

But Limbaugh's commentary on Libya is also noteworthy as an example of how talk radio's charlatan streak hurts the United States and the conservative movement at moments when a better version of itself could serve as effective opposition to abuses of power.

Limbaugh is a man confident that his mistakes will drift off into the ether unnoticed.

A decent person would apologize for all this when it proved incorrect. With Limbaugh, it's like it never even happened. He respects neither himself nor his audience enough to correct the record.

As shown above, however, the talk radio host isn't guided in his commentary by any consistent principle, nor does he acknowledge obvious errors in analysis. Instead he blithely misinforms his audience about reality daily.
Despite the evidence marshalled by Friedersdorf, conservative bloggers like The Idiot McCain defend Fats.

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