Friday, April 22, 2011


UPDATE: NBC News also reported on how Hawaiian law prohibits release of the so-called "long form."
POLITICO has a nice article about the Birther nonsense but the idiots just can't be bother to read. Here's an excerpt:
In addition to declaring the document a forgery, the birther movement’s main response – echoed by the ill-informed Trump - has been to claim that only a “long form” birth certificate can be valid. But the document shown by Obama is the only one the State of Hawaii is permitted, by law, to release. It is accepted as valid by the government entities like the State Department.

Hawaii law prevents the long-form record from being photocopied or released to anyone — including Obama. Obama himself would only be permitted to inspect it – not copy it or post it online.
This rube just can't be corrected:
default avatar for user DumpDems
Member Since: Aug. 9, 2010
Party: NA
Apr. 22, 2011 - 6:51 AM EST
It could all be put to rest very easily by Obama presenting his long form birth certificate. Why doesn't he want to provide it??

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