Monday, June 20, 2011


Dana Milbank of the WaPo exposed some of the Beckster's extremist associates and Glenda struck back like a little girl.  This is the crux of Milbank's piece:
Lieberman, who knew Beck back when he was a morning DJ in New Haven, may have missed some of the broadcaster’s recent feats: hosting a guest on his show who describes as “accurate” the anti-Semitic tract “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”; likening Reform rabbis to “radicalized Islam”; calling Holocaust survivor George Soros a “puppet master,” a bloodsucker and a Nazi collaborator; touting the work of a Nazi sympathizer who referred to Eisenhower as “Ike the Kike”; and claiming the Jews killed Jesus.
Today on his radio show, Glenda acknowledged only one of these freaks (G. Edward Griffen) and claimed that not only did he not vet the people who appear on his shows, the freak in question didn't make the inflammatory comment.

In other Glenda News, Van Jones challenged Beck to a debate but Glenda isn't too keen on facing a real opponent.  BTW, when is Hannity going to be waterboarded?


Ken Hoop said...

"It’s nice that Beck wants to defend Israel before the United Nations attempts in September to create a Palestinian state."

Your main concern is Beck but if this is typical, Milbank is no prize.

Steve J. said...

Yeah, I'm no fan of Milbank. He's a classic Villager.