Monday, June 20, 2011


(h/t Atrios)

Gary Becker is a professor of economics and sociology at the University of Chicago, the former home of Milton Friedman, Richard Weaver and Leo Strauss.   Becker recently joined the talk radio gasbags and blamed Pres. Obama for the slow recovery instead of die-hard adherence to supply-side foolishness and has rightfully come in for some criticism.

The best summation of Becker and  the other High-IQ Hacks I've come is across is by Brad DeLong:
I do get the sense that these people aren't even trying any more.

They don't seem to look at data--it would not have been hard for Becker to call up a graph of nonresidential business investment.

They don't seem to survey the literature--it would not have been hard for Posner to read Reinhart and Rogoff's This Time It's Different.

They don't try to get their citations correct--Becker simply should not claim that his target is "the media" rather than Posner.

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