Friday, June 17, 2011


This remark in a POLITICO article about Herman Cain refrrered to the results of an NBC/WSJ poll: did query respondents on which TV channel they get most of their news from. Twenty-two percent said Fox, which was second only to the combined percentages favoring all the the broadcast networks of ABC, CBS and NBC.

The poll surveyed 1,000 people and has a margin of error of plus-or-minus 3.1 percent.

I downloaded the poll and captured the question used:

First of all, this seems to greatly overestimate how many people rely on FAUX Nwes because it's highest rated show (O'Reilly, about 3 million) gets half or less than number viewers of the nightly news broadcasts of 3 major networks, ABC, NBC & CBS and the same goes for the Sunday news shows.

Second, assuming that all the conservatives only watch FAUX, that leaves 78% of Americans watching something else and at least 60% don't watch conservative agit-prop.

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