Sunday, July 10, 2011


(h/t Steve Benen)

The Economist is one of dwindling number of conservative magazines that isn't living in some wacko Fats Limbaugh world, so the congressional GOP should take this editorial to heart:
The sticking-point is not on the spending side. It is because the vast majority of Republicans, driven on by the wilder-eyed members of their party and the cacophony of conservative media, are clinging to the position that not a single cent of deficit reduction must come from a higher tax take. This is economically illiterate and disgracefully cynical.


Ken Hoop said...

Both parties are culpable if I might extrapolate, perhaps awkwardly from this post.

I have little use for Zionist Pipes, but the part of the culpability for Dems relates to those who refused to follow Kucinich in demanding cutoff of funds for the wars. There are of course precedents in the Berrigan types who went to jail rather than pay taxes for Vietnam.

Steve J. said...

the part of the culpability for Dems relates to those who refused to follow Kucinich in demanding cutoff of funds for the wars.

Yes, the Dems basically rolled over and played dead.