Sunday, July 10, 2011


They have decided to send "a message to Washington" by turning down Federal money for extended unemployment benefits.   Unfortunately, it's the people of Arizona who will pay the price for this message.
Arizona Pits Jobless Benefits Against State Spending

by Mark Brodie
July 10, 2011 from KJZZ

Arizona has chosen not to accept federally subsidized extended benefits, and 20,000 people there have been cut off since mid-June. Many others are about to lose their unemployment benefits.

Republican State Rep. Justin Olson says the debate over extending unemployment benefits was an example of the excesses of Washington.

"My heart goes out to these individuals that have found themselves in difficult circumstances because of this recession," he says. "But the reality is after a year and a half, one has to look at their individual circumstances, and evaluate what they're going to do in order to live within their means."

But, Republicans like State Rep. Olson say reducing government spending on things like unemployment benefits will strengthen the state's economy.

"This is the one issue where as a state Legislature we had input on spending at the federal level," he says. "And we sent that message to Washington, D.C., that we have to put a stop to the spending."


puertas metalicas cortafuegos said...

I saw really much useful information above!

agua de sobron said...

It won't succeed as a matter of fact, that's what I believe.