Sunday, July 31, 2011


"Stanley B. Greenberg is the chief executive of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, a polling company that works with center-left political parties in the United States and abroad" and in the NY Times today he wrote the following:
Our research shows that the growth of self-identified conservatives began in the fall of 2008 with the Wall Street bailout, well before Mr. Obama embarked on his recovery and spending program. The public watched the elite and leaders of both parties rush to the rescue. The government saved irresponsible executives who bankrupted their own companies, hurt many people and threatened the welfare of the country. When Mr. Obama championed the bailout of the auto companies and allowed senior executives at bailed-out companies to take bonuses, voters concluded that he was part of the operating elite consensus. If you owned a small business that was in trouble or a home or pension that lost much of its value, you were on your own. As people across the country told me, the average citizen doesn’t “get money for free.” Their conclusion: Government works for the irresponsible, not the responsible.
As I recall, conservatives were FOR paying the bonuses under the pretext of honoring contracts and they used the same logic to argue against giving homeowners a break.


Ken Hoop said...

Mainline conservatives, yes.
Not tradcons- I don't like the term some of them favor, paleocons.

Buchanan, representing "right/protectionism" of the Teddy Roosevelt vein, also favored the
automakers bailout, but not the banksters.

Ken Hoop said...

A tea party corporate lackey,free trade outsourcer and a proponent of the Big Governmenment Police State.