Sunday, July 31, 2011


(h/t The Dish)

Migrant worker gasbag Mark Steyn was a guest on Huge Ego Hewitt's radio show and spilled the beans about how conservatives think of "real Christians":
MS: No, I think what’s interesting is the urge to label this guy. You say Christian. I mean, as I understand it…

HH: He’s not, but that’s how they labeled him. Yeah.

MS: Yeah, he hasn’t attended church since he was a teenager. I mean, in what sense is he Christian? He’s not an observant Christian. If you look at the Muslim rituals Mohammed Atta performed before he went to work on September 11th, Mohammed Atta took his Islam seriously. This guy isn’t a serious Christian. He’s a devoted New York Times reader, and he’s an extremely well-read guy.

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