Monday, July 25, 2011


Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian right-wing mass murderer, was a fan of the anti-Islamic American bloggers, according to this report in the NY Times:
His manifesto, which denounced Norwegian politicians as failing to defend the country from Islamic influence, quoted Robert Spencer, who operates the Jihad Watch Web site, 64 times, and cited other Western writers who shared his view that Muslim immigrants pose a grave danger to Western culture.


The Gates of Vienna, a blog that ordinarily keeps up a drumbeat of anti-Islamist news and commentary, closed its pages to comments Sunday “due to the unusual situation in which it has recently found itself.”

Its operator, who describes himself as a Virginia consultant and uses the pseudonym “Baron Bodissey,” wrote on the site Sunday that “at no time has any part of the Counterjihad advocated violence.”

The name of that Web site — a reference to the siege of Vienna in 1683 by Muslim fighters who, the blog says in its headnote, “seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe” — was echoed in the title Mr. Breivik chose for his manifesto: “2083: A European Declaration of Independence.” He chose that year, the 400th anniversary of the siege, as the target for the triumph of Christian forces in the European civil war he called for to drive out Islamic influence.

...he quoted the American and European counterjihad writers by name, notably Mr. Spencer, author of 10 books, including “Islam Unveiled” and “The Truth About Muhammad.”

Mr. Breivik frequently cited another blog, Atlas Shrugs [Pam Geller], and recommended the Gates of Vienna among Web sites.
UPDATE: Lee Fang at Think Progress found that Breivik also quoted two other prominent American anti-Islamists, Frank Gaffney and Brigitte Gabriel.


Grung_e_Gene said...

It doesn't matter whom he's cited, it's always the fault of the leftists and muslims...

Steve J. said...
