Sunday, August 28, 2011


The wingers still insist that Pres. Reagan defeated Communism, even the so-called bright ones.  They base their claim on the infamous "Team B" analysis of the USSR in the mid-70s.  The CIA had already determined that economically, the USSR was in decline:
Soviet Economic Problems and Prospects
Central Intelligence Agency
Directorate of Intelligence
July 1977

The Soviet economy faces serious strains in the decade ahead. The
simple growth formula upon which the economy has relied for more than a
generation-maximum inputs of labor and capital-will no longer yield the
sizeable annual growth which has provided resources needed for competing claims.
In the past, rapid growth enabled Moscow simultaneously to pursue
three key objectives:
- catching up with the US militarily;
- steadily expanding the industrial base; and
- meeting at least minimal consumer expectations for improved
living conditions and welfare.


Ken Hoop said...

Kind of related, George McGovern on Diane Rehm today. His anti-war stands contrasted with Democrats like Claire "anything for a military contract" McKaskill. Podcast eventually available I believe.

I missed good part of it, not sure yet if he commented on Obama's disappointment in this regard, if he made comments putting him in sympathy with the "Ian Welsh" wing of the Dems.

Steve J. said...

I was very disappointed when McGovern lost (badly) in 1972.