Sunday, August 28, 2011


Global Capitalism doesn't give a damn about communities, nations or regions.  From John Gray, End Games, p. 118:
Globalization is bound to undermine communities and to endanger the cohesion of society as a whole. It fosters a small elite whose economic interests do not coincide and may indeed conflict with those of the rest of society. It disembeds markets from their underlying cultures, severs them from the livelihoods of any particular locality or region, and levels the distinctive ways of life in which human beings express their diverse identities. Globalization forces communities to adapt to market-driven changes as best they can —or else perish. Above all, it removes markets from any form of political control or popular accountability and thereby closes off from communities any possibility of protecting their livelihoods and ways of life from the shifting fortunes of the world market. To accept the globalization of the economy is, in effect, to make the survival of communities everywhere conditional on changes in a world market which cares nothing for the stability of the societies it exists to serve.

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