Thursday, September 15, 2011


(h/t Anne Norton)

His remark about the neo-cons in a talk at the Heritage Foundation upset a lot of them but he was correct.  The worship of all things Israeli even extends to two neo-cons at the Claremont Institute writing that on the 4th of July, Americans should think an Israeli army officer:
Looking Back on the Entebbe Raid
By Daniel C. Palm, Ben Boychuk

Posted July 4, 2001
The Claremont Institute

Prominent among those chosen for Thunderbolt was a young officer, Col. Jonathan "Yonni" Netanyahu, whose brother Benjamin would go on to become Prime Minister.

If our country's great security and immense wealth have a drawback, it is that Americans have lost some of our political seriousness and intensity. Our survival skills as a nation grow rusty, because relatively few of us need exercise them. By contrast, Israelis know that every day will bring fresh challenges, and that the nation and its people must keep spirit strong and training up to par in order to carry them through times of turbulence, as they are experiencing once again. This Independence Day, remember not only our country's founding principles and leaders, but the spirited patriotism and sacrifice of Jonathan Netanyahu.

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