Thursday, December 29, 2011


You can download the judge's findings from Scribd here.  Page numbers will refer to the pagination given by Adobe Acrobat, NOT the document itself.

This itself is a problem: The MAS program director, Martin Sean Arce, was uncooperative with the investigation:
55. Deputy Superintendent Menconi requested that MAS Director Arce help
coordinate a focus group interview with the Mexican American Studies community
advisory board, an advocacy group supportive of the District’s MAS program. MAS
Director Arce did not, however, provide such assistance. (page 11)

62. A major concern the Department had with the Cambium audit was that while the
Cambium Report found certain flaws in the curriculum and organizational structure of
the MAS program, it reached conclusions that did not comport with those findings. The
Department was also concerned that the person in charge of the MAS program, MAS
Director Arce, had been requested to meet or speak with the auditors but did not do so. (page 12)

Here are some of the specific findings from page 12:
60. Many of the curriculum units that were produced in response to discovery
requests made by the Department for the instant hearing were not previously produced
to Cambium or to the Department. However, based on what was produced, the auditors found
that three out of the nine total MAS curriculum units “contain an overabundance of controversial
commentary inclusive of political tones of personal activism and bias.”

Ex. A at 34 [CAM 001690].
61. Department Associate Superintendent Hrabluk testified that from reviewing
written curriculum minutes, she can tell whether a lesson is being delivered in a biased
or inappropriate manner. Department Associate Superintendent Hrabluk further
testified that from her review of the MAS materials, the MAS program was in violation of A.R.S. § 15-112.

This is the key finding:
76. Testimonial evidence presented at the hearing, in conjunction with excerpts from
texts, curriculum, assessments, and student work, demonstrates that MAS classes
cause students to develop a sense of racial resentment toward the “white oppressor”
or “dominant” group. The philosophy of “us against them” is a persistent theme that exists
within the MAS program.
(page 14)

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