Sunday, January 08, 2012


Kevin Drum collected charts showing the income tax plans of 3 active candidates plus the Cainster:


Ken Hoop said...

"His plan would be sort of laughable, if it wasn’t so obscene," Hartung says. "He’s talking about, let’s keep the military budget at 4 percent of gross domestic product, as if it was some sort of entitlement program for the Pentagon... He would spend something like $6.5 trillion over 10 years, which would be about a trillion-and-a-half more than the Obama plan... If he’s not going to raise taxes, it’s going to come straight out of domestic programs, which are already being hit quite substantially."

Taxes and/or cuts where they shouldn't come. No wonder Greenwald calls Obama a Rockefeller Republican.

Ken Hoop said...

Correction and apology.

That refers to the Romney scheme.

I'll leave you to put it in perspective as relates to party differentials.

Ken Hoop said...

"Basically, Obama is saying, well, maybe we’ll level it off. Maybe with inflation, it will go down, you know, ever so slightly. So it’s really not a significant change. The only thing that, you know, really you could say is that it’s better than what the Republicans would do."

after a criticism of Obama's droning which ignores national sovereignity of the victimized country and kills significant innocents...

"So I don’t view it as progress in any sense."