Sunday, March 25, 2012


Tonight I heard Billy Cunningham claim that according to FBI crime statistics, blacks account for 6 times more inter-racial murders than whites and I decided to find out for myself.

I started with the homicide statistics for 2010, the most recent year for which we have complete statistics.

There were 4,849 white murderers and 5,770 black murderers.
There were 6,043 white victims and 6,470 black victims.

For single victim/single offender homicides WHERE THIS DATA IS AVAILABLE,
there were 3,327 white victims. Of these, there were 2,777 white offenders and 447 black offenders.

In the same category, there were 2,720 black victims and of these, there were 218 white offenders and 2,459 black offenders.

Now some elementary calculations.  I omitted the UNKNOWN Victims from the total for White Offenders and Black Offenders to arrive at the denominator.
- White Offender on Black Victim homicides (218) account for 7.17% of White Offender Homicides (3,042).  91.29% are White on White.
- Black Offender on White Victim homicides (447) account for 15.22% of Black Offender Homicides (2,936). 83.75% are Black on Black.


Ken Hoop said...

I understand media is frequently referring to Zimmerman as white.

If so, race has lost all meaning in the US among the ruling elite and extra-"respected" sources must be consulted to do honest research.

Ken Hoop said...

You have to adjust for whites being a six times larger group and also promiximity.

But the intra-racial crime rate
comparison is also instructive.

Steve J. said...


Yeah, I know there should be a correction for absolute group size but then that would be complicated by proximity issues.

This was more or less a "back of the envelope" calculation to get at some of the basic facts.


Ken Hoop said...

Right. Don't take my word for it, but "Morocco Bama" (not me,nor am I Harper) is a "hard left" socialistic anti-cappie antiwar frequent commentator on Ian Welsh and a few other left blogs.

Here's some of his dialogue over at This is why the true hard left should not tactically alienate the white working class.

Reply 27 March 2012 at 02:42 PM

Morocco Bama said...
Were the thugs who threw the brick at Reginald Denney's head and beat him and Fidel Lopez and countless others during the 1992 LA Riots head ever brought to justice? Did Sharpton or Jesse Jackson or the media really give a hoot? Is the same thing going to be tolerated this time around...except in Orlando? It will be interesting to see how that plays out with the Stand Your Ground law in effect in Florida where it wasn't in LA in 1992. Some thugs will end up getting their come uppance of they cross that line down in Florida. If the cops don't keep the thugs in check when Zimmerman isn't prosecuted, then the Stand You Grounders will. The media is inculcating a riot, but this time the stakes could be much higher, because there are going to be more non-black people who aren't going to just lay down and get beaten to within inches of their life during a riot of thuggery. Those guns will now be needed more than ever. I know I would have one if I was anywhere near that area, or in Miami.

Reply 27 March 2012 at 02:50 PM

Morocco Bama said...
Matthew, it may well be that the Grand Jury will only have Zimmerman's word to go on, and if that's the case, there is no case, and Zimmerman won't be charged. And then what? See my post above. This won't be pretty, but it's not going to be LA. The thugs are ready to riot. They're just looking for any excuse to pillage, plunder and destroy and romp. Stand Your Ground will come in handy if the police are overwhelmed like they were in LA and no one was there to defend and protect those who weren't looking for a conflict.

Reply 27 March 2012 at 02:54 PM

Harper said...
By weighing in publicly ("he could have been my son") President Obama has made it all but impossible for Zimmerman to get a fair trial in any jurisdiction in the country if the decision is made to bring him to trial to placade the mobs. This kind of behavior is all too typical of our President, a purported Constitutional Law Professor from the University of Chicago Law School. I used to have respect for AG Holder, but he seems to have been relegated to Mr. Cleanup for the President, going so far at a recent Northwestern University speech to claim that the President has the divine authority to determine what constitutes "due process" outside the jurisdiction of the Courts. It seems the President is claiming God-like authority to be judge, jury and executioner as in the al-Awlaki case and who knows how many others (the White House trial proceedures are secret as is the list of targets). It seems it took a Constitutional Law Professor to go far beyond Dick Cheney in promoting a brand of unitary executive power that surpasses that of Medieval Popes. The Republican candidates for President are a disaster, but sometimes it is enough just to get a break in continuity for the sake of saving what is left of the Constitution.

Steve J. said...

