Sunday, March 25, 2012


At least as far as normal civilians are concerned, there really isn't a reason to get talk radio hysterical about Iran's nuclear program.

Special Report: Intel shows Iran nuclear threat not imminent

By Tabassum Zakaria and Mark Hosenball

WASHINGTON | Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:00pm EDT

(Reuters) - The United States, European allies and even Israel generally agree on three things about Iran's nuclear program: Tehran does not have a bomb, has not decided to build one, and is probably years away from having a deliverable nuclear warhead.

Current and former U.S. officials say they are confident that Iran has no secret uranium-enrichment site outside the purview of U.N. nuclear inspections.

They also have confidence that any Iranian move toward building a functional nuclear weapon would be detected long before a bomb was made.

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