Thursday, April 26, 2012


I heard one of the radio gasbags mention this article by Barone and I thought it contradicted the conservatives' belief in the Free Market Fairy.  For example, Barone seems to admit that were IS something like Marx's concept of worker alienation:
As it happens, I grew up in Detroit and for a time lived next door to factory workers, so I know something that has eluded the liberal nostalgiacs — which is that people hated those jobs. Assembly-line work was boring and repetitive. Management had imbibed Frederick W. Taylor’s theories that workers were stupid and couldn’t be trusted with any initiative.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Sorry Steve, but here I do agree with elements of the Right. Obama is a socialist when it comes to helping banksters lay their losses on the working middle class. Unfortunately, the elements of the Right with which I agree are not members of the mainstream Right which is also controlled by the banksters.