Thursday, July 26, 2012


First it was the Anglo-Saxon comment, now it's insulting the Brits.  Maybe Mitten$ should stick to dressage.
Romney under fire for comments about London Olympics
By Holly Bailey, Yahoo! News | The Ticket – 3 hrs ago

LONDON—For the second day in a row, Mitt Romney's visit to London was marred by controversy, as the British media seized on comments the GOP candidate made suggesting he found London's preparations for the 2012 Summer Olympics "disconcerting."

Romney's comments were immediately big news in London, splashed across the websites of major newspapers. In a press conference Thursday just hours before he was set to meet with Romney, Prime Minister David Cameron issued a snippy rejection of Romney's comments.

"We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course it's easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere," Cameron said, a comment that was widely interpreted as a reference to Salt Lake City, where Romney headed up the organizing committee.

UPDATE: This is getting a lot of attention.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

The bigger question apart from partisan politics I would ask is, "how much of this 'temporary' police state has been built due to fear and guilt from blowback for poodling (as in Blair, Brown and Cameron) American Mideast policy against the will of the majority of Brits?"