Thursday, September 06, 2012


3 points, nothing but net!

I posted some time ago a factoid about how since WW II  the stock market does better under Democratic presidents and last night Clinton pointed out that since 1961, employment gains are also much better under a Democratic president:
And plenty of other Clinton statistics checked out as accurate. For example, he said that since 1961, when John F. Kennedy took office, 42 million private-sector jobs had been added while Democrats held the White House, compared with 24 million while Republicans were in office. And that’s exactly what Bloomberg News reported in a May 8 story.
The result isn't because the Democrats held the office for more years because the GOP did:
Democrats hold the edge though they occupied the Oval Office for 23 years since Kennedy’s inauguration, compared with 28 for the Republicans.


Ken Hoop said...

I don't know what The Nation is saying about Clinton now. They were telling some truth about him in 2011.

Anonymous said...

I like this one

written by skeptonomist, September 06, 2012 9:02

"It's important to recognize that excess finance does produce what is usually considered growth, but it's only temporary. When finance dominates, there are exhilarating bubbles, but devastating crashes. The historical record from the Great Depression and before is clear, but New Deal regulations probably damped the cycles long enough that people forgot how bad a cyclic economy can be. As Dean says, deregulation during the Clinton administration probably facilitated the dot-com bubble (which luckily for Clinton broke after he left office), but it also was important in the housing bubble. A critical element in the housing bubble was unregulated credit-default swaps, and the decision not to regulate them was made mainly by an unholy alliance of Clinton advisors and Alan Greenspan.

Clinton is rather stupidly given credit by Democrats for the bubble of the late 90's, while escaping blame for its collapse. Republicans can't call out this myth because that would call attention to the necessity for regulation reining in Wall Street."

Steve J. said...

Anon - Clinton certainly deserves some of the blame for jumping on the Free Market Fairy bandwagon.