Sunday, October 07, 2012


The Dish linked to this krazy 2008 letter from Focus on the Family and includes this observation from Libby Anne:
“This is the most important election of all time!” (again)
October 1, 2012 By Libby Anne
The whole purpose of this letter, like I said, was to scare evangelicals out of voting for Obama at any cost. And today, they’re doing the same thing. If you vote for Obama, they say, every manner of horrible awful no good very bad thing will happen. Your freedoms will disappear. They will take your guns, they will ban homeschooling, they will send your grandma to death panels.

But this is getting old. See, leaders on the Right do this every election year. Every election is “the most important election of all time,” and every election year they warn that our freedoms as Americans are on the line. Every election year they predict catastrophe if they lose the election. The day after Obama’s election, a friend facebooked me a simple question: “Are you ready for four years of hell?” He went on to talk about Christians being put in jail and socialism coming to America. Didn’t happen.
Back in the run-up to the 2006 elections, then-VP Cheney warned that Western Civilization was at stake.

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