Friday, July 26, 2013


This one seems to be between Neo-Cons and Glibertarians and is sure to make big waves in the mass media because the Glibs swarm over this stuff, as you can see from the number of people commenting on this POLITICO story:
The "5754" on the far right is the current number of comments and that's the most I've seen on POLITICO.


Ken Hoop said...

You only help the Elite when you use condescending terminology to describe a good chunk of their opponents. Develop similar creative terminology to describe the of one piece Pelosi-Boehner crowd, and I'll give you more leeway.

I'm not especially clever in that regard....a catchy term that suggests a kleptocracy which needs dismantling's servants and lackeys.

Steve J. said...

Ken, the point is to note that the conservative machine is no longer smoothly functioning. The fact that I agree with Paul on a few issues does not mean his ideology isn't harmful.

Ken Hoop said...

Yes, libertarian ideology is harmful in the long run as is neolib New Dem. corporatism in even the short run.