Friday, July 26, 2013


Charles Krauthammer, Byron York, Karl Rove and Ramesh Ponnuru all think the Baggers plan to shut down the government over Obamacare is a bad idea and that puts them at odds with radio gasbags like Sean Hannity.


Ken Hoop said...

A good anti-Elite leftist also rejects Obamacare as a sellout to Big Pharma and Big Insurance.
Now, it's true Dennis Kucinich
endorsed it at the last moment, after Obama took him aside.

I call it a eino. "endorsement in name only.

Kucinich said he was going to vote for it even though he saw nothing in it that even hinted as a move in the direction of single payer national health care.

Steve J. said...

A good anti-Elite leftist also rejects Obamacare as a sellout to Big Pharma and Big Insurance.

I would have much preferred "Medicare For All" but that didn't seem politically possible.

Ken Hoop said...

Correntewire has evidently irked Lawyers Guns and Money over this controversy if you check LGM.