Friday, July 26, 2013


Despite voting "No" on the Amash amendment, Nancy Peolosi did send a letter expressing concern about the NSA's massive data collection to  the President and got 153 House Democrats to co-sign it.  Here's the key part:
Although some of us voted for and others against the amendment, we all agree that there are lingering questions and concerns about the current 215 collection program. These include:

· Whether the bulk metadata telecommunications collection program sufficiently protects the privacy and civil liberties of Americans.
· Whether the program could be tailored more narrowly to better ensure the protection of privacy and civil liberties.
· Whether the law is being implemented in a manner consistent with Congressional intent.
· How we can ensure greater transparency regarding FISA court operations, decision making, and issuance of orders.
· Whether changes to the current FISA Court structure are needed.

BTW, the Foreign Policy article about this was wrong about the letter because it states there was both a personal letter and a group letter.


Ken Hoop said...

Nothing better than (and Glenn) to demarcate the honest and/or effective oppositional attempts from the deceptive or ineffectual on an ongoing basis.

Steve J. said...

Emptywheel & Glenn have been doing great work for years. I'm still waiting for Pres. Obama to realize that the NSA programs are a "real and present danger."