Monday, July 22, 2013


Rick Perlstein and Alex Pareene have been writing about the money raising scams employed by conservatives and because I signed up for some Bagger newsletters, I also have a little evidence.

These 2 are from, 24338 El Toro Rd, Suite E-108 Laguna Woods, California 92637

Dear Tea Party Reader,

Please find below an important message from one of our sponsors, Insiders’ Cures. They have some special information to share with you.

Thank you.

Your doctor's reading the results, you know it's the worst news, and you snap out of it just in time to hear him say...

"I'm going to recommend an aggressive chemotherapy regimen."

That's when you say one word that sucks the air out of the entire doctor's office.

It's a new cancer therapy that doctors are whispering about behind closed doors...and doctors will be stunned you know about it.

$4 billion has already been spent researching it--making it one of the largest research initiatives in medical history.

And the results are powerful--Tumor shrinkage in 86% of lung cancer patients.

Once "incurable" brain tumors put on hold. And these revelations are already rushing 374 clinical trials into hospitals.

But you can't call this new hope therapy "aggressive" like chemo, because there is no poison, there are no toxins.

In fact, this therapy could have you alive and thriving.

Find out the one word that will have your doctor asking, "how did you hear about this?"


Katherine Wheeler
President, Insiders' Cures

Dear Tea Party Reader,

Please find below an important message from one of our sponsors, Healthy Nutrition News. They have some special information to share with you.

Thank you.

Controversial Health Videos:

These 4 shocking foods normalize your blood pressure
(B.P. fighters)

Health Warning: Heartburn drugs can DESTROY your digestive system
(here's a healthy natural remedy)

3 Powerful herbs/spices that help REVERSE diabetes

Popular Expert Articles:

The #1 WORST food for your joints, skin, and blood sugar
(are you eating this?)

The most HARMFUL food for your brain
(avoid this!)

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