Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Since 2001, I've heard or read many conservatives express puzzlement over the tendency of American Jews to vote for Democrats instead of Republicans and perhaps one reason is the anti-Semitism promulgated by many conservatives since 1900.

The Liberty Lobby and the American Right (LLAR) documents some of the early conservatives/Fundies in the first half of  20th Century, including Father Denis Fahey, the author of The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World (1935).  Fahey considered Communism to be a plot of Jewish bankers and Marx an example of Jewish revolutionary messianism. (LLAR, p. 18) Money Creators (1935) by Gertrude Coogan is not rabidly anti-Semitic only because she uses the code "international bankers" instead of Jewish bankers. In Imperium (1949), Francis Parker Yockey adopted "an intense anti-Semitism which designated the Jew impersonally and symbolically as the agent of decomposition in modern civilization." (LLAR, p. 26)  For Earnest Sevier Cox, all you need to know is the title of one of his books, Teutonic Unity (1951).  There are several others named in LLAR, including post-WW II H.L. Mencken.


Ken Hoop said...

Asking Jews to be American First and to abstain from dual loyalty is not "anti-Semitic." Stealing a land from Semites (Palestinians) by Europeans with a fraction of Semitic ancestry qualifies as such.
Now, you might wish to check the percentage of Democrat Jews who are at the very least "Zionists lite" and more typically, simply Zionists (eg Barbara Boxer.)
But granted, there are liberal Gentiles who could care less if neolib Zionist Jews help drag America into wars and drain our treasury, as long as they are pro-abortion.

Ken Hoop said...

Asking Jews to be American First and to abstain from dual loyalty is not "anti-Semitic." Stealing a land from Semites (Palestinians) by Europeans with a fraction of Semitic ancestry qualifies as such.
Now, you might wish to check the percentage of Democrat Jews who are at the very least "Zionists lite" and more typically, simply Zionists (eg Barbara Boxer.)
But granted, there are liberal Gentiles who could care less if neolib Zionist Jews help drag America into wars and drain our treasury, as long as they are pro-abortion.

Anonymous said...

The people I listed are much more than Anti-Zionist

Ken Hoop said...


So was the admirable Prof Israel Shahak, and you should read him for context, then consider what sinister uses The Lobby makes of the term contemporarily.

Steve J. said...


Thanx for the tip, Ken...

Steve J.