Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Vallely has claimed that he heard Joe Wilson brag about his CIA wife while they both were in a green room just before a TV appearance. Problem: They were never in the same greenroom!

UPDATE: JustOneMinute found one occasion when Wilson and Vallely were on the same show on the same day at the same time:

MORE: It looks like it was a tough day for the reality-based side. No, not just today, when the aptly named "Crooks and Liars" told the reality based community that Paul Vallely and Joesph Wilson were never on the same show at Fox News in 2002, or even on shows the same day at Fox News.
The other tough day would be Sept 12, 2002, when both Wilson and Vallely appeared on Studio B. Well, so says Lexis, anyway, and I am urging all low-budget sleuths to check out
Lexis a la Carte - the registration is free, the searches are free, but the opportunity for mockery is priceless.

From Crooks & Liars:

Vallely and Wilson Fox Appearances
Inteview with Bob Maginnis, Paul Vallely, Thomas McInerney, Fox News Network, FOX ON THE RECORD WITH GRETA VAN SUSTEREN (22:15), December 19, 2002 Thursday, Transcript # 121902cb.260, News; International, 2107 words, Bob Maginnis, Paul Vallely, Thomas McInerney, Greta Van Susteren,

Interview with Paul Vallely, Van Hipp, Fox News Network, FOX ON THE RECORD WITH GRETA VAN SUSTEREN (22:12), December 18, 2002 Wednesday, Transcript # 121802cb.260, News; International, 1468 words, Paul Vallely, Van Hipp, Greta Van Susteren, Mike Tobin

Interview with Paul Vallely, Fox News Network, FOX HANNITY & COLMES (21:31), December 11, 2002 Wednesday, Transcript # 121103cb.253, News; International, 1473 words, Paul Vallely, Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes

Interview With Paul Vallely, Fox News Network, FOX WIRE (22:41), November 2, 2002 Saturday, Transcript # 110205cb.262, News; International, 1167 words, Paul Vallely, Rita Cosby

BOLDFACE NAMES , The New York Times, October 23, 2002 Wednesday, Late Edition - Final , Section B; Column 3; Metropolitan Desk; Pg. 2, 666 words, By James Barron with Glenn Collins

Interview With Paul Vallely, Fox News Network, THE BIG STORY WITH JOHN GIBSON (17:41), September 27, 2002 Friday, Transcript # 092703cb.263, News; Domestic, 748 words, Bob Sellers, Paul Vallely

Political Headlines, Fox News Network, FOX SPECIAL REPORT WITH BRIT HUME (18:00), August 6, 2002 Tuesday, Transcript # 080601cb.254, News; International, 2462 words, Jim Angle, Bret Baier, Teri Schultz, Major Garrett, James Rosen

More Deadly Attacks in Israel Threaten to Send Any Middle East Peace Process Reeling, Fox News Network, FOX WIRE (22:00), August 4, 2002 Sunday, Transcript # 080401cb.262, News; International, 2462 words, Paul Vallely, Jane Skinner, Molly Henneberg

THE WINDBAGS OF WAR, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pennsylvania), July 28, 2002 Sunday, TWO STAR EDITION, Pg.B-1, 1306 words, WASHINGTON

The windbags of war, York Sunday News (York, PA), July 28, 2002 Sunday, EDITORIAL, 1358 words

PUNDITRY; The Windbags of War, Los Angeles Times, July 21, 2002 Sunday, Home Edition, OPINION; Part M; Pg. 3 , 1429 words, ANA MARIE COX, Ana Marie Cox is the Washington columnist for In These, Times., WASHINGTON

Political Headlines, Fox News Network, FOX WIRE (22:20), July 13, 2002 Saturday, Transcript # 071302cb.262, News; International, 1720 words, Rita Cosby, Paul Vallely, Amy Kellogg

Interview With Paul Vallely, Fox News Network, THE BIG STORY WITH JOHN GIBSON (17:12), July 9, 2002 Tuesday, Transcript # 070902cb.263, News; Domestic, 984 words, Paul Vallely, John Gibson

Political Headlines, Fox News Network, THE BIG STORY WITH JOHN GIBSON (17:00), July 5, 2002 Friday, Transcript # 070501cb.263, News; Domestic, 1936 words, Bob Sellers, Todd Connor, James Rosen, Paul Vallely

Interview With Paul Vallely, Michael Brown, Fox News Network, FOX HANNITY & COLMES (21:00), July 4, 2002 Thursday, Transcript # 070401cb.253, News; Domestic, 2643 words, Paul Vallely, Michael Brown, Al D'Amato, Alan Colmes

Political Headlines, Fox News Network, THE BIG STORY WITH JOHN GIBSON (17:00), June 27, 2002 Thursday, Transcript # 062701cb.263, News; Domestic, 1842 words, Andrew Napolitano, Paul Vallely, John Gibson, Heather Nauert, Rick Folbaum, Jonathan Serrie

Political Headlines; Interview With Paul Vallely, Fox News Network, THE BIG STORY WITH JOHN GIBSON (17:30), June 10, 2002 Monday, Transcript # 061004cb.263, News; International, 2611 words, Paul Vallely, John Gibson, Alicia Acuna, Eric Shawn, Brenda Buttner, Heather Nauert

Second Impact Interview With Paul Vallely, Fox News Network, THE O'REILLY FACTOR (20:22), April 22, 2002 Monday, Transcript # 042203cb.256, News; International, 954 words, Paul Vallely, John Kasich

Interview With Paul Vallely and Bill Cowan, Fox News Network, FOX ON THE RECORD WITH GRETA VAN SUSTEREN (22:40), March 25, 2002 Monday, Transcript # 032505cb.260, News; International, 2079 words, Paul Vallely, Bill Cowan, Greta Van Susteren

Top Story Interview With Paul Vallely and Thomas McInerney, Fox News Network, THE O'REILLY FACTOR (20:00), March 22, 2002 Friday, Transcript # 032201cb.256, News; Domestic, 1743 words, Paul Vallely, Thomas McInerney, Bill O'Reilly

On The Record Political Headlines, Fox News Network, FOX ON THE RECORD WITH GRETA VAN SUSTEREN (22:20), March 18, 2002 Monday, Transcript # 031803cb.260, News; International, 1167 words, Paul Vallely, Bob Newman, Greta Van Susteren, Greg Palkot

Interview With Paul Vallely, Bob Dornan and Bob Newman, Fox News Network, FOX ON THE RECORD WITH GRETA VAN SUSTEREN (22:29), March 12, 2002 Tuesday, Transcript # 031203cb.260, News; International, 1523 words, Paul Vallely, Bob Dornan, Bob Newman, Greta Van Susteren

On The Record Political Headlines, Fox News Network, FOX ON THE RECORD WITH GRETA VAN SUSTEREN (22:00), March 4, 2002 Monday, Transcript # 030401cb.260, News; International, 2004 words, David Christian, Paul Vallely, Greta Van Susteren, David Lee Miller
The Talk Shows, The Washington Post, December 1, 2002 Sunday, Final Edition, A SECTION; Pg. A05, 223 words

Sunday, The Washington Post, November 30, 2002 Saturday, Final Edition, STYLE; Pg. C07, 896 words

Interview with Joseph Wilson, Fox News Network, FOX HANNITY & COLMES (21:00), November 27, 2002 Wednesday, Transcript # 112701cb.253, News; International, 2363 words, Joseph Wilson, Alan Colmes, Oliver North

HUSSEIN'S COMPLIANCE BRINGS NEW COMPLEXITY IRAQ'S COOPERATION COULD END CONTAINMENT BY UN, The Boston Globe, November 17, 2002, Sunday, ,THIRD EDITION, Pg. A1, 1263 words, By Anthony Shadid, Globe Staff

SATURDAY, The Washington Post, October 19, 2002 Saturday, Final Edition, STYLE; Pg. C07, 565 words, John Maynard, Washington Post Staff Writer

Interview With Joseph Wilson, Fox News Network, FOX HANNITY & COLMES (21:19), October 2, 2002 Wednesday, Transcript # 100202cb.253, News; International, 1770 words, Joseph Wilson, Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes

Interview With Joseph Wilson, Fox News Network, FOX ON THE RECORD WITH GRETA VAN SUSTEREN (22:22), September 25, 2002 Wednesday, Transcript # 092502cb.260, News; International, 1182 words, Joseph Wilson, Greta Van Susteren

Interview with Martin Indyk, Joseph Wilson, Hassan Shweiki, Fox News Network, FOX WIRE (22:32), September 21, 2002 Saturday, Transcript # 092104cb.262, News; International, 1823 words, Martin Indyk, Joseph Wilson, Hassan Shweiki, Rita Cosby

Interview With Joseph Wilson, Michael Rubin, Fox News Network, FOX ON THE RECORD WITH GRETA VAN SUSTEREN (22:00), August 20, 2002 Tuesday, Transcript # 082001cb.260, News; Domestic, 2031 words, Joseph Wilson, Michael Rubin, Greta Van Susteren, Greg Palkot

Interview With Joseph Wilson, Bob Maginnis, Scott Ritter, Fox News Network, FOX ON THE RECORD WITH GRETA VAN SUSTEREN (22:00), August 15, 2002 Thursday, Transcript # 081501cb.260, News; International, 2939 words, Joseph Wilson, Bob Maginnis, Scott Ritter, Greta Van Susteren

Interview With Joseph Wilson, Ken Adelman, Fox News Network, THE BIG STORY WITH JOHN GIBSON (17:23), August 13, 2002 Tuesday, Transcript # 081303cb.263, News; International, 1128 words, Joseph Wilson, Ken Adelman, John Gibson

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