Friday, April 14, 2006


This morning, Slots Bennett claimed that Gen. Batiste told Jim Lehrer on PBS's NEWSHOUR that he did not speak out when he was in service. That is a lie, this is what Batiste said:

JIM LEHRER: Now, General Pace, as we just played, said that you and other military officers had plenty of opportunity to speak out. Did you, in fact, speak out while you were on active duty?

MAJ. GEN. JOHN BATISTE: Of course. We all do.
Within the military, it's a very special culture, and you stay within your chain of command.

There are times that you're told to do things that you don't agree with and you're given an opportunity to rebut, to give reasons why it shouldn't be that way. And at the end of the day, you either salute and execute or you make a decision to retire or resign; that's the way it is. There's always that dialogue.

I e-mailed Bennett this exchange while he was still on-air.

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