Saturday, September 22, 2007


Glenn Greenwald has another great post, this time about the DC Establishment's effort to grant retroactive immunity to anyone or any corporation guilty of violating the 4th Amendment. He quotes the war whore Bill Kristol:
Mukasey testifying on behalf of Bush's FISA legislation will be like Petraeus testifying on the surge. He'll be an able public spokesman because he can't be caricatured as a partisan apologist, and the Democrats won't be able to lay a glove on him.

This remark reveals the VAST distance between the neo-cons and the rest of us who at least try to live in reality. PR Petraeus is clearly a partisan hack, no different from DNI Director McConnell, and simply can't be trusted to tell us the truth. Mukasey is no different and that's why Fredo nominated him to be the new AG..

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