Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Just like the GOP chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Granpa McCain has come out in support of our intervention in Libya.
McCain: Libyan hit averted 'horrible blood bath'
Mar 22 07:24 AM US/Eastern
WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. John McCain says the military strikes against Libya were necessary because there would have been "a horrible blood bath" under besieged strongman Moammar Gadhafi without international intervention.

The Arizona Republican and 2008 presidential candidate tells CBS's "The Early Show" the no-fly zone the U.S. and its NATO allies implemented is working and it's time for "a no-drive zone."

McCain says the message the world needs to send to Gadhafi's army is, "don't leave your barracks" and kill Libyan civilians or there will be consequences. McCain calls Gadhafi a man "with American blood on his hands," saying he was responsible for the terrorist attack on Pan American flight over Lockerbie, Scotland. He says the U.S. and its allies must turn momentum in the Libyan strife over to the rebel side.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

McCain gave a score of "Iraq is about won" analyses between 2003-2006, which should have discredited him as an expert long ago. Certain Libyan cities have replaced others as bloddified objects of seige thus far.